
  • React 中的表单元素大都基于一种受控组件的技术来实现交互
  • Form 表单中,input/textarea/selectbox 都是基于 value 显示值,onChange 响应事件
  • checkbox/radio 也是 onChange 响应事件,value显示值,不同的是使用 checked 判断是否选中
  • input=file 由于只有只读属性,故是一个非受控组件,在后面的章节会提及到
  • 受控组件需要为每个方式都编写一个事件处理,并且通过一个组件 state 来管理状态
  • 这在某些情况下会变得异常繁琐,这时候可以看看非受控组件: https://react.docschina.org/docs/uncontrolled-components.html
class ReactForm extends Component {
  constructor (props) {
    this.state = {
      name: '',
      male: '',
      introduce: '',
      weight: 'fat',
      sport: 'basketball'

  handleChange = (e) => {
    const name = e.target.name
    const value = e.target.type === 'checkbox' ? e.target.checked : e.target.value
      [name]: value

  render () {
    const s = this.state
    const hc = this.handleChange
    const he = s.male ? 'he' : 'she'
    const his = s.male ? 'his' : 'her'
    return (
      <div className={'react-comp'}>
        <div>{s.name} is {s.male ? 'male' : 'female'} and {he} is a {s.introduce}</div>
        <div>{he} is {s.weight} and {his} favorite sport is {s.sport}</div>
          Name: <input type="text" placeholder='名字' name='name' value={s.name} onChange={hc}/>
          Male: <input type="checkbox" name='male' value={s.male} onChange={hc}/>
          <textarea name="introduce" cols="30" rows="3" value={s.introduce} onChange={hc}></textarea>
          <select name="weight" id="" onChange={hc} value={s.weight}>
            <option value="fat">fat</option>
            <option value="thin">thin</option>
            <option value="normal">normal</option>
        <label htmlFor="">
          <label><input name="sport" type="radio" value="basketball" onChange={hc} checked={s.sport==='basketball'}/>篮球</label>
          <label><input name="sport" type="radio" value="badminton" onChange={hc} checked={s.sport==='badminton'}/>羽毛球</label>
          <label><input name="sport" type="radio" value="swimming" onChange={hc} checked={s.sport==='swimming'}/>游泳</label>

results matching ""

    No results matching ""